
Why my megatypers id be banned? What can I to do?

  • Work fast
    This is both a Rule and a Tip. You will earn more money in less time if you work faster. On the other hand, your account will be permanently suspended if the Image timer frequently expiries.
  • Type Correctly. Even the uppercase and lowercase letters!
    Always read and check what you type before you press Enter. It is very important that you type as accurately as possible. You will also need to type UPPER CASE LETTERS (Capital letters) and lower case letters (minuscule letters) exactly as they’re shown in the images.
    Your account may be permanently suspended if you make too many typing mistakes.
  • Some times ,server is busy 
  • if your id work auto stop,don't use the id in 24 hours.
  • 20130815 software will show the Message in here
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